A Career Break is a period of time taken out of your normal routine to do something completely different such as travel, do some volunteer work, gain a new skill or a professional qualification, renovate your house or simply work on your tan. The careerbreaksite.com follows on with “it’s also a chance to do something new and exciting. Whether you’re bored out of your brain at work, or quite like your job but fancy doing something different for a bit, a career break is a chance to get out there and see the world”.
Is a Career Break right for you?
If you’ve ever fantasised or dreamed about doing something different in your life, whether it be for one month, 3 months, 6 months or longer, then a career break may be right for you. It’s common for people to get bogged down with reasons why it can’t be done; such as ‘I can’t take time out of my career’, ‘I’m in a relationship’ or ‘my family won’t support me’, which are all fair reasons, however, think about the reasons it can be done and how you’ll feel if you don’t take the opportunity to live your dream!
Ask yourself these questions.
- Is there something else you want to achieve that isn’t being fulfilled by your work, relationship or home life?
- Are you looking for something more meaningful in life?
- Is there a sabbatical policy at work which will allow you to take some time off and return to your role?
- Would you be prepared to quit your job to live your dream?
- Are you in a financial position to take a break or are able to save for one?
- Are you considering a career break to experience something different or are you running away from something?
If a Career Break is right for you, ask yourself these questions.
- How can I make it happen?
- What characteristics, traits and qualities do I need to sustain my decision?
- Who will support me?
- How will I deal with possible resistance from my family and friends?
- How will I keep myself on track to ensure I have the financial capacity to do what I want?
If you need help and support achieving your dream then coaching maybe an option for you. Career Break Coaching can help you identify your reasons for wanting to take a career break, help you get specific about where you want to go and what you want to do and provide you with strategies to maintain momentum in order to achieve your goals.
To discuss your needs in more detail, contact me at sue@careerbreakcoach.co.uk.